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24.2 Closes Soon!

Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified • March 11, 2024

Hello to my High Flyers, Speedy Rowers and Heavy Lifters! Good work on 24.2 Last Week!

Nice work showing up and showing out last Friday for Friday Night Lights! The bars were set, the monitors were turned on and the ropes were flying! You all should be proud of what you did last week. That workout was no joke and being able to stick to it for 20:00 is very impressive!

Some congratulations are in order for athletes hitting PR’s and outperforming themselves! Tyler coming through and stringing Double Unders together for the first time ever and Holly re-doing 24.2 this morning and CRUSHING her first score! I know that there are others of you out there hungry for some PR’s and I am very willing to bet that this upcoming week is going to give us a chance to see if we got something special in the tank.

If you haven’t yet submitted your score you have until 7pm tonight to do so, so make sure to get on that! If you want to re-do it and be like Holly that’s great! Just know that you have to have completed the workout and had it judged then re-submit your score before 7pm as well.

Looking ahead to this next Friday we have 24.3. 24.3 will be the final Open workout of the season which means our final Friday Night Lights of the season. This final workout is sure to be a doozy, and a fun one at that. To add on to the excitement of finishing the Open we have some plans for celebration to occur during and after Friday Night Lights so you will want to make sure to stick around and celebrate with everyone!

Good luck to the athletes who are giving 24.2 a shot today or re-doing it and fantastic job to everyone who got after it this past weekend! I look forward to seeing your names on the leaderboard!

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