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24.1 In The Books

Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified • March 4, 2024


Take a look at all these amazing athletes and people ready to hang out and watch some awesome fitness! Thank you to everyone who came and supported!

Technically we still have until 7:00pm CT to submit our scores so if you are wanting to take another crack at getting it done and improving your score, you still have time!

With that also being said, if you aren’t signed up for the Open yet you still have time as well! The deadline for signing up for the Open closes at the same time score submissions for 24.1 closes. If you have done 24.1, you’ve already done the hard part! Why not sign up for the Open?!?!

2024 CrossFit Open Sign-up

Last Friday we had our first Friday Night Lights of 2024 and I want to say thank you to everybody who came through and participated! Whether that was cheering on your friends, doing the actual workout and also judging! Because of you and your cooperation the event went off nice and smooth and I can’t thank you enough for that! I know it was a fun time and I am very much looking forward to this upcoming week’s workout and how that is going to look for Friday Night Lights.

Now some things I want to say. This year there are a lot of you EC crew who are doing the Open for the FIRST TIME!!!! That’s a biiiiiig step in your fitness journey and takes a bit of courage to do something like that! I am incredibly proud of you all for taking that risk and then throwing down this weekend. I know 24.1 was a doozy (I mean 90 Burpees… rough), but you still did it and you pushed through! Maybe you didn’t complete the workout in the 15:00 time domain but you kept going! There were probably times where you wanted to quit but you didn’t, you kept going. Even if it wasn't a world record pace, you kept going. For some of you, you probably went faster than you ever expected you were going to! And for others you might have gotten crushed by it more than you planned. What can I say, that’s the Open for you!

I hope that everyone who ended up doing this weekend takes something away from it. The Open is a tool to gauge our fitness and also measures where our limits are. This workout tested our mental strength and ability to maintain high intensity across relatively large volumes of movement at a time. I strongly encourage you to take one good thing from this workout (like something you are proud you did) and then one thing you could improve on for your workouts for the next year (like learning how to minimize transition times from movement to movement). Doing these things makes the Open even more beneficial for your overall health and fitness and makes the Open mean more than just another workout!

Stay tuned because the Open isn’t over yet, it just started! We have two more weeks left to make the most of it, so let’s get out there and CRUSH IT!!!

By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified March 11, 2024
Nice work showing up and showing out last Friday for Friday Night Lights! The bars were set, the monitors were turned on and the ropes were flying! You all should be proud of what you did last week. That workout was no joke and being able to stick to it for 20:00 is very impressive!
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified March 8, 2024
Let's all hang out and get after tonights WOD! Last week was great, let's build on the hype!
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified March 6, 2024
24.1 Friday Night Lights had a good turnout, let's see if we can beat it this Friday for 24.2!
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified March 1, 2024
Friday Night Lights begins TONIGHT! I know I have been hyping it up and I think it’s fair why! It is currently 11:51 am as I write this and we already have had a handful of athletes take their shot at CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 and we have seen some AMAZING things! Before we get into all the doo-dads of 24.1 there are some housekeeping things I need to take care of.
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 26, 2024
Some things are inevitable and there’s nothing we can do to avoid it, eventually time does catch up to us but there are things we can do to push back and delay the onset of those things as much as possible. This can range from cardiovascular disease to muscle and bone density losses or even mental health decline, to name a few.
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 23, 2024
The time is drawing nearer by the second! If you haven’t been paying much attention to the latest hype, the Open is *ALMOST* hare, and with it comes Friday Night Lights! I’m sure you don’t want to hear me ramble on about why the Open is important and that you should do it. BUT I will do a little bit of rambling here again.
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 19, 2024
On that day, we will be hosting the EC Gauntlet. The EC Gauntlet is going to be a local competition open to teams of males and females from as far as they want to travel to partake in this event.
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 16, 2024
First, what is FNLs? FNLs is a in-house competition-adjacent event.I say competition-adjacent because it will be in the format of a competition. There will be groups of athletes performing the WOD at specific times with judges scoring their workouts and enforcing movement standards. I say adjacent because there aren’t going to be “winners” or “losers” and there aren’t going to be multiple workouts that single day to establish who is the “fittest”. It’s a competition because each athlete will perform the WOD in a certain category (Rx, Scaled, Foundations, Masters, etc.). And it’s adjacent because it is just another WOD. FNLs is meant to bring the energy that a competition brings into the affiliate and to give athletes who haven’t experienced the thrill of a real competition a taste of what it feels like. It pushes people in ways that are extremely difficult to replicate in the day-to-day WOD that we perform in class all the time. Not only those things but it also gives us a chance to watch and cheer on our friends while they workout from start to finish and then gives them a chance to do the same for us. It gives us as an affiliate to do something we don’t normally do and to try and make it something fun, something that we will talk about for the rest of the year and give us something to look forward to next year.
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 12, 2024
Recently, I covered Defining World Class Fitness and Its Application . Today I will dive into more specific programming methods. Specifically Strength + MetCon and why it isn’t “good enough.”
By Coach Austin, CF-L3, CrossFit Weightlifting Certified February 9, 2024
Done right, it can be one of the most exciting things to ever happen within a CrossFit Box.
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