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Take a look at all these amazing athletes and people ready to hang out and watch some awesome fitness! Thank you to everyone who came and supported!
With that also being said, if you aren’t signed up for the Open yet you still have time as well! The deadline for signing up for the Open closes at the same time score submissions for 24.1 closes. If you have done 24.1, you’ve already done the hard part! Why not sign up for the Open?!?!
Last Friday we had our first Friday Night Lights of 2024 and I want to say thank you to everybody who came through and participated! Whether that was cheering on your friends, doing the actual workout and also judging! Because of you and your cooperation the event went off nice and smooth and I can’t thank you enough for that! I know it was a fun time and I am very much looking forward to this upcoming week’s workout and how that is going to look for Friday Night Lights.
Now some things I want to say. This year there are a lot of you EC crew who are doing the Open for the FIRST TIME!!!! That’s a biiiiiig step in your fitness journey and takes a bit of courage to do something like that! I am incredibly proud of you all for taking that risk and then throwing down this weekend. I know 24.1 was a doozy (I mean 90 Burpees… rough), but you still did it and you pushed through! Maybe you didn’t complete the workout in the 15:00 time domain but you kept going! There were probably times where you wanted to quit but you didn’t, you kept going. Even if it wasn't a world record pace, you kept going. For some of you, you probably went faster than you ever expected you were going to! And for others you might have gotten crushed by it more than you planned. What can I say, that’s the Open for you!
I hope that everyone who ended up doing this weekend takes something away from it. The Open is a tool to gauge our fitness and also measures where our limits are. This workout tested our mental strength and ability to maintain high intensity across relatively large volumes of movement at a time. I strongly encourage you to take one good thing from this workout (like something you are proud you did) and then one thing you could improve on for your workouts for the next year (like learning how to minimize transition times from movement to movement). Doing these things makes the Open even more beneficial for your overall health and fitness and makes the Open mean more than just another workout!
Stay tuned because the Open isn’t over yet, it just started! We have two more weeks left to make the most of it, so let’s get out there and CRUSH IT!!!
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